October 8, 2024

Paying Your Child’s Uninsuired Medical And Dental Expenses After Divorce In Texas

Navigating how to handle your child’s uninsured medical and dental expenses after a divorce can be confusing. Typically, these expenses are divided equally between both parents, though the exact arrangement may vary depending on the terms specified in the Final Decree of Divorce.

To request reimbursement or payment for an uninsured medical or dental expense, the parent who did not incur the expense must be given proper notice of the uninsured medical or dental expense. This is usually done by providing the non-incurring parent with an invoice, receipt, or explanation of benefits as proof of the uninsured expense. The specific requirements for providing notice will depend on the terms of your Final Decree of Divorce. As a general guideline, sending the invoice, receipt, or explanation of benefits of the uninsured expense via First-Class and Certified Mail often fulfills the notice requirement. The parent who incurs the uninsured medical or dental expense generally has to notify the other non-incurring parent in some specified period of time.

Once the non-incurring parent has been adequately notified, they have 30 days from the date that they received notice to pay their portion of the expense. Payment can be made directly to the healthcare provider or to the parent who incurred the expense.

If a parent fails to pay their portion of the uninsured expense, they may be held in civil or criminal contempt. However, the parent seeking reimbursement must prove that proper notice was provided in accordance with the Final Decree of Divorce. For more information, please contact Anderson Legal Group, P.C. at (817) 424-3405.

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